Wellness Translated

Hi there!My name is Angelines. I help Health and Wellness companies with their English into Spanish translation needs. Please do not hesitate and get in touch, I'd love to connect with you![email protected]This site is a work in progress. There's more to come very soon!

What I Offer

Sed quis consequat orci. Vivamus semper nec dui in finibus. Proin venenatis lectus vitae arcu commodo tempus. Donec posuere quam ac euismod mollis. Fusce bibendum tellus cursus magna semper, sed lorem egestas turpis consectetur. Duis volutpat maximus ligula, at sagittis mi malesuada eget.

How To Contact Me

The easiest and more direct way to get in touch and find out about my services and how I can help is by dropping me an email. I will be more than happy to get in touch![email protected]